XF Premium C2 5w30 Engine Oil
Millers Oils
A high performance fully synthetic mid SAPS engine oil suitable for the latest petrol and diesel engine technology.
Suitable for use in petrol and diesel engines meeting Euro IV/V emission standard requiring ACEA C2 specification. Manufacturer requirement for many Peugeot, Citroen and Renault vehicles, and preferred grade for many other manufacturers such as Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Chevrolet, Lancia, Lexus and Toyota.
- The high quality of this oil means that fuel economy is maximised at the same time as engine wear is being minimised
- Oil viscosity or thickness is maintained even under the most severe of operating conditions thereby ensuring maximum engine protection
- A mid SAPS formulation which is compatible with catalysts and diesel particulate filters (DPF's)
PERFORMANCE PROFILE: ACEA C2, API SN, CF, Meets the requirements of PSA B71 2290 , Fiat 9.55535-S1
- SAE Viscosity 5w30
- Specific Gravity (at 15°C) 0.846
- Kinematic Viscosity (at 100°C, cSt) 10.3
- Kinematic Viscosity (at 40°C, cSt) 57.2
- Viscosity Index 171
- Pour Point (°C) <-35
- Flash Point (°C) >200
- Cold Crank Viscosity (cP) 6,600
- TBN (mg KOH/gm) 7.44